11th Winter Windsor including Crossbows ~ Provisional Target List

October 7, 2023 @ 10:45 pm – 11:00 pm
Belvoir Archers
Works Ln
Barnstone, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG13 9JJ
Adults £9.50 Juniors £7.50
Bryan Haynes
07887 633121


Provisional Target List

Provisional Target List 5th October



Sponsored by Custom Built Archery



Belvoir Archers 11th Winter Windsor

Saturday 7th October 2023


Belvoir Archers, Works Lane, Barnstone, Notts NG13 9JN

( what3words location             ///impulsive.mutial.shins )


Judges                         Mario Stankovic,


Lord Patron                   TBA


Assembly                      10.45am            Sighters            11am


Entry Fee                      £9, Junior £7


Closing date;                 1st October 2023

No Refunds will be given after the closing date.

Target List:                   A preliminary target list will be available on the                                                    Belvoir Archers and EMAS web site 3 days before                                             the shoot starts.


Round:                         Non Record Status Windsor, no shorter rounds will be shot.

Shooting Method 2 – Timed Ends shooting 6 arrows


Entries to;                     Bryan Haynes,

10 Harebell Gardens, Bingham, Notts, NG13 8TA

07887 633 121


Email:                           tournaments@belvoirarchers.co.uk


Awards                         Trophies for 1st,  Place, Medals 2nd and 3rd Place

Trophies hand made by Maurice Clarke


Categories                    Longbow – Gents, Lady, Junior Gent and Junior Lady

Barebow – Gents, Lady, Junior Gent and Junior Lady

Compound – Gents, Lady, Junior Gent and Junior Lady

Recurve – Gents, Lady, Junior Gent and Junior Lady

Crossbow – Gents, Lady, Junior Gent and Junior Lady




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